Sarah Jan 23, 2018

Interview With the CoinPoker Tesla S Winner: trafinoglu

After four hours and ten minutes of the Tesla Main Event, we were down to the best two players. Fifteen minutes later, trafinoglu made CoinPoker history, and became the first big winner of this poker room by scoring himself a brand new Tesla S! We contacted the winner to ask him a few questions — and this Interview With the CoinPoker Tesla S Winner: trafinoglu


After four hours and ten minutes of the Tesla Main Event, we were down to the best two players. Fifteen minutes later, trafinoglu made CoinPoker history, and became the first big winner of this poker room by scoring himself a brand new Tesla S! We contacted the winner to ask him a few questions — and this is what he had to say about the tournament and about CoinPoker.

How do you feel after winning a Tesla S?

I’m currently crying my eyes off, tears of joy. I’ve longed for this moment for years. I have been reading tons about Tesla and it’s one of the main reasons I joined the tournament!

How did you find out about CoinPoker?

I found out about CoinPoker from a friend. He told me the software’s really enjoyable and the fact that you can use crypto and native tokens for deposits and withdrawals really sold it for me.

When did you know you were going to win?

I probably knew I was going to win once my opponent was down to 5 blinds after the preflop all-in that I just won with K10 of clubs.

What‘s the first place you‘re going to drive to with your Tesla?

I really don’t know.

Did you have a strategy when you played in the Main Event?

Yes, my main strategy was focusing on every hand I played and trying to maximize the chips I won in each as well as paying attention to ICM implications. I want to thank you for providing us with enough timebank to make our actions thorough. I was not in a rush at any moment, and this was paramount for my win.

Are you a professional poker player, or is it a hobby?

I am a professional heads up sit-and-go player and have been doing it since about 9 years ago, although I’ve recently transitioned more to multi-table tournaments. Currently I also allocate time for a local business in Bucharest (kindergarten).

What do you think about CoinPoker and our business model?

I think CoinPoker will definitely have the upper-hand when it comes to decentralized poker. The software is sleek, the whole experience was nice. Your business model and offering the Tesla for free on top of the prizepool is what I’m sure made me play. I hope you’ll be offering tournaments like this in the future as well.

What’s your relationship with crypto?

I am new to the domain, but I believe it is the future. So many smart people coming up with stellar ideas and putting them to work, for the overall good of humanity..what’s not to like ?

If you’re interested in learning a bit more about the Main Event and what exactly went down at the table, have a look at this article right here that talks about it in more detail. Meanwhile — congratulations trafinoglu, we’re sure this is not the last time we’ll hear your name! Our team is working on new promotions all the time, and we’re sure to be offering exciting opportunities as often as we can.
